Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Tattoo Part Two

Okay, for those who have asked.  Here is a pic of the tattoo.  Not the best of pics I admit, but considering the location, it isn't like you can go up to a stranger and say "hey, can you take a picture of me with my tattoo?"  Might get arrested.  If you have trouble figuring out where it is, the whites are my tightie whities.  Now that I think I am learning some of the software here, I may be able to post some of the before and after pics that have been asked for.  I have to find some software that I can use to blur faces etc.  I am sure you understand.

The good news is that my tendenitis has FINALLY started to abate.  After 3 long months so I am again hoping to restart my program.

No that isn't me on the left.  But it is a close approximation of what I had managed to accomplish.  Soon as I get the software, and learn how to use it, I will post the real thing.  In the interest of full disclosure, I do not look like that now.  But I am determined to regain it.  Wish me luck guys.

Friday, October 14, 2011

New experiences

Okay, we now know I am not the best at regularly writing.  To say the least.  I feel funny writing when I really don't have anything to say.  I don't want that to be taken as bloggers write about nothing.  I just live a boring life.  At least until last week.  Through a friend of a friend I was invited to a "guys" get together.  Full blown (pun intended) invitation sent via email.  Detailing the scenario/rules.  First off it was to be a nude party.  Strip at the door.  Now, being a closeted nudist at heart, I was intrigued.  I always wondered if I would have the nerve to go through with something like that.  I sent off my acceptance email.  The invitation also covered things of decorum.  Such as don't be afraid to say no to barebacking.  Even if it is expected.  Please have recent AIDS test done. 
While I found all of that great that it was covered, it was kind of surreal in the presentation.  Sort of struck me like the old "nobody wear's white after Labor Day" thing.  Very nonchalant to say the least.  So all day at work I am thinking can I actually go to this?  Well, of course I did.  It was actually a 2 day event and the big crowds were at the first night.  But that was fine with me.  It isn't like I am pleased with my 58 year old body. 
So we only had 7 guys.  It was fun.  Very casual.  Yes there was sex.  That was fun but it wasn't the high point for me in some ways.  It was being around "my own kind" that I enjoyed.  I could say what I wanted about a cute guy.  Reach out and touch something that interested me.  Made some new friends that I hope to have fun with in the future. 
Now the funny part about the evening to be appreciated, you need some demographics of the group.  As I said, I am 58.  I was neither the oldest or youngest.  That was refreshing.  I wasn't the only one married either.  In fact one fellow has been married over 45 years.  I really liked him.  Think a Mayberry kind of guy speaking and naked!  Homespun wisdom and humor.  During a relax and get to know each other phase, the topic turned to....   C'mon you can guess.  What do you think guys over 50 discuss when relaxed and alone?  ED meds and treatments of course.  Okay, it didn't appear anyone had any problems finding treatments that worked.  A wonderful night.  I look forward to the next Gentlemens club get together.